<% if request.querystring("action") = "regquote" then 'save quote form values if request.form("totalcost_1") > 0 then Session("tcbox") = request.form("totalcost_1") end if if request.form("totalcost_2") > 0 then Session("tcbox") = request.form("totalcost_2") end if if request.form("totalcost_3") > 0 then Session("tcbox") = request.form("totalcost_3") end if if request.form("totalcost_4") > 0 then Session("tcbox") = request.form("totalcost_4") end if if request.form("totalcost_5") > 0 then Session("tcbox") = request.form("totalcost_5") end if if request.form("totalcost_6") > 0 then Session("tcbox") = request.form("totalcost_6") end if for each name in request.form if left(name,6) <> "Button" then if name <> "totalcost_1" then if name <> "totalcost_2" then if name <> "totalcost_3" then if name <> "totalcost_4" then if name <> "totalcost_5" then if name <> "totalcost_6" then if name <> "PersonnelAudit_days1" then fieldname = trim(name) Session(fieldname) = request.form(name) end if end if end if end if end if end if end if end if next end if %> Compliance Managers Client Registration

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<% if Session("CMIusername") <> "" and not isNull(Session("CMIusername")) then response.write("Welcome, "&Session("CMIusername")&"  [ Sign Out ]  ") else response.write("Welcome, Guest  [ Sign In ]  ")%>

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  CMI privacy policy

Industries Served

 Companies Served

 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation


1. We obtain this information so we may contact you, but only at your request.
2. We do not share information with any other sources and will not contact you unless you request us to do so.
3. Compliance Managers will not forward your information to anyone unless you request us to do so.
<%if request.querystring("action") = "" then%>

I don't want to register at this time, just take me to the Online Quote page.

<%else%>   <%end if%>
<%if Request("action") = "taken" then%> That E-mail address is already in use, please enter another.
  <%elseif Request("action") = "taken2" then%> That UserID is already in use, please enter another.
  <%end if%>
Please provide the following information to register for access to our secure client area. (*Indicates Required Field)

Please send me the quarterly informational newsletter

*Quote Standard:
*Company Name: ">
*Contact Name: ">Title:">
*Address: ">
Address (cont): ">
*City: ">
*State: " maxlength="2">   *Zip:  " maxlength="5">
*Phone: ">
Fax: ">
*Email: ">
*Confirm Email: ">
Alternate Email: ">
Confirm Alternate Email: ">
*UserID: ">