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 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation



Below is an overview of core offerings of Compliance Managers. 

Quality Systems - Compliance Management
Environmental Compliance Management
Human Resources Management
Laboratory Compliance Management
Health and Safety

  • Quality Systems - Compliance Management 
    • For a variety of Quality Standards, we can do everything from performing audits through complete development and maintenance of your quality system. Our staff can work with your team to develop corrective and preventive actions for business issues.  We provide on line tracking and email notification of actions due on issues we are working on.  This provides management awareness of delinquencies and keeps the program on track.  learn more...
  • Environmental Compliance Management
    • For ISO14001 we can do everything from performing audits through complete development and maintenance of your quality system. Our staff can work with your team to develop corrective and preventive actions for business issues.  We provide on line tracking and email notification of actions due on issues we are working on.  We can perform your Compliance Audits to regulations that apply to your business.  All personnel that perform Compliance Audits are Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMM) to assure a competent and thorough compliance audit is performed.   learn more...
  • Human Resources Management
  • Laboratory Compliance Management
    • Systems development for laboratory environments includes compliance to NavLab, AALA (A2LA), SCC, and other standards of performance.  We can improve your current systems and perform audits, training needs analyses and develop training programs to assure you remain compliant.   learn more... 
  • Health and Safety
    • From OSHA requirements to MSDS and Right to Know, we provide system documentation that structures a program compliant to these regulations.  learn more...
  • Gage Systems Management
    • Let us analyze your gage calibration costs to develop accepted frequencies and calibration methods that meet your needs and significantly decrease your costs.   learn more...
  • Locate a new Registrar
    • Companies sometimes retain their registrar out of fear of the unknown, not because they fit your company's needs.  As an agent of your company, let us find a registrar and auditor that fit your needs and at the same time, reduce your registration costs.     learn more... 
  • Firm Fixed Price Training Programs
    • In conjunction with local colleges, we have established ongoing classes that you can send one person or many personnel to, as you see fit.  For one low price train all of your personnel.  This reduces your costs, provides an off site place for your employees to focus and learn.  learn more...