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 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation


Online Quote
We have created an online quoting system so you can see for yourselves how inexpensive Compliance Managers services can be.  Whether it is an annual program or a customized program that you choose you can get an estimate of our services.  We cannot assure you this is the exact cost of the programs due to travel, distance between locations, product and business systems complexity.  In fact, the smaller the company is, the more accurate the on-line quoting system.  Use this system to get an idea of what the costs would be and then let us refine this into a precise quote that will provide you firm fixed-price costing for maintaining your environmental and/or quality systems.


How Many Locations do you have?
Number of people at location?

Do you want us to be there for your
surveillance audits with the registrar?

     Yes      No

How many current days of registrar surveillance audits are projected per year?

What is your objective for your quality or environmental system?
Our systems are strong.  I want to go to the next level.
I want ISO certification to mimic my core systems so I can grow my business.
I only want improvements that have an obvious monetary benefit.
My people are too busy as it is. I want ISO to be transparent to them but work.
I only to this because it is a customer requirement.  It is secondary to our operations.
To complete your quote:

Either pick a preconfigured compliance management package:
Audit Assist

Audit for days

Total Annual Fees
Auditing Your System Total Annual Fees
Audit Completion Plus CPA Total Annual Fees
Full Compliance Management Total Annual Fees
Compliance Management with Registrar Audit Attendance Total Annual Fees
Design your own package - Select check boxes at each activity to develop a custom price for your company:

Total Annual Fees

  Activity Description Associated Costs
Annual Report of suggestions to reduce the company's cost of compliance The purpose of this report is to outline ways to reduce your costs including registration costs, internal methods of changes to procedures and methods used internally to manage data.

Audit for days with your personnel Your Compliance Manager will perform audits and train your personnel in the requirements of the applicable standards.  This leaves them with the tools necessary to perform solid audits.
Performance of audits without your personnel Your Compliance Manager will perform audits and train your personnel in the requirements of the applicable standards.
Schedule your internal audits Compliance Managers will obtain a listing from you of people responsible for individual areas of the standard and will schedule the dates of their audits.  Management will be notified of those dates and changes to those dates.  Cancellation fees apply.
Audit Results Documented using your system If you are tracking your own corrective actions, you may wish to use this method of documenting the concerns from the audit.  Choosing this option would require your compliance manager to put the information on your company's forms.
Post Audit Results to CMI online system This posts your audit results to an on-line system that allows you to do some statistical evaluation and sort audit results to make determinations of systemic issues within your organization.
Problem Solving meetings with your personnel This is root cause analysis that is done with the team members that have been audited and are affected by the issue discovered during the audit.
Completing Corrective and Preventive Action Reports Although a clerical function, wording the corrective action report and its content can be an issue during review of corrective and preventive action reviews by the registrar.
Procedural Changes Your compliance manager will make changes to your procedures and forward them for approval by your Management Representative.
Online corrective and preventive action tracking system The CMI online tracking system logs the corrective actions, corrective and preventive actions and responsibilities to completing those actions. 
Develop Quality Systems Report for Management Review Your compliance Manager will assimilate information from your company regarding internal audits, non-conformances in your system, suppliers and other requirements outlined by your procedures.
Completion of your annual Environmental Compliance Audit A Certified Hazardous Materials Manager will evaluate your systems to determine which regulations apply to your company and whether or not you currently comply.  This is done annually.
Attendance at management Reviews per year.
(Change At Top)
Your compliance manager will attend your management review and present information regarding internal audits and related non-conformances in your overall management system.
Attend audits with Registrar We will attend your surveillance audit with the registrar including preparatory meetings and discussions to assure your understanding of the system is current.
Delivery of Certificates Delivery of Certificates.