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About CMI


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Industries Served

 Companies Served

 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation


Human Resources and Training


Compliance Audits

There are a fantastic number of governmental and local regulations that businesses must comply with.  Let us determine those that apply and audit your systems to determine if gaps exist in your current systems.

Firm Fixed Price Training Programs

Compliance Managers provides training through Technical Advantage, a trainer of tens of thousands of trainees in a variety of activities.  Compliance Managers works with your organization to provide an annual fixed cost to train the employees in your facility.   If the training is not working, they continue to train until they understand the concept.  One price annually.  Review Industries Served and Companies Served.

Pay to attend classes

We have a schedule of classes that you can attend.  Please see our class listing and schedule.