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Industries Served

 Companies Served

 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation


Product Product Description Annual Report Perform Audits with your personnel CMI Performs Audits CMI schedules audits CMI documents  results Audits posted to CMI online system Problem Solving meetings with your personnel Assistance in completing CARs Assisting with procedural changes On line open issues tracking Attend Manage-ment Reviews Complete your 14001 Compliance Audit Attend Registrar Audits
Audit Assistance Work with your current auditors to take an in depth look at your systems and explain what an audit should do for your company. This is one of the few services  offered that is relegated to a daily fee.   X                      
Complete System Audits Perform Audits for your company per an agreed audit schedule including scheduling with your personnel. X Optional X X X                
System Audits with CPA Scheduling and performing audits, developing corrective and preventive actions. X Optional X X X X X X X X      
Complete Systems Management Complete systems management including attending management review and stating the condition of the management system. X Optional X X X X X X X X X    
Systems Management plus registrar audit attendance Same as systems management including attendance at your registration audits X Optional X X X X X X X X X 14001 only X