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 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation


Audit Assist Audit Completion Audit Completion with CPA Compliance Management

System Audits with Corrective and Preventive Action Assistance

Key Aspects:

This service is a firm fixed-price contract between Compliance Managers and your company.  We assure a comprehensive audit of your entire system and a sampling of individual sites that will assure you have system compliance.  Quarterly visits minimum are guaranteed. Your Compliance Manager performs this work for you and documents the audits using your internal documentation.  We also track concerns from the audits using the CMI online tracking system.  This system allows us to track the corrections that are to be done by your personnel.  Your Compliance Manager works with your personnel


Your compliance manager will:

  • Schedule internal audits with your company's personnel.  Your company must supply a point of contact for each procedure that is audited.
  • Complete audits of your company's entire system.
  • Throughout the year, analyze your Quality or Environmental Management System for cost reductions and leave you with suggestions for changes.
  • Complete audit documentation on internal forms.
  • Assure that appropriate evidence is obtained.
  • Participate in root cause analysis with appropriate department managers responsible for the area audited.
  • Update procedures with changes required by findings.
  • Track internal task assignments to completion using the CMI online system.


Your Compliance Manager can assist you in many ways with your systems. 

  • Additional services can be individually selected if you choose to create your own quote.  These services include:

    Corrective and Preventive Actions

    Problem Solving

    Procedural Changes

Click here for a matrix of services provided.